The inspiration here was kedgeree. This was an attempt to recreate that dish (minus the rice) in the form of a fishcake, and I think it works very well.
1 Arbroath Smokie - Skin removed, flaked and bones removed
1 Onion - Chopped
2 Potatoes - Peeled
1 Egg
2 Tsps Curry Powder
Plain Flour
Mustard Seeds
Cumin Seeds
Boil the potatoes until they are of mashable consistency. Fry the onions for a few minutes until softened. Hard boil the egg then chop into small pieces. Mash the potatoes and mix in the fish, onion, egg and curry powder. Add salt to taste. If the mixture looks too dry to work with, add a little milk. Form the mixture into four patties. Put some flour on a plate along with some mustard and cumin seeds. Use this to coat the sides of the patties then fry them over a fairly high heat for a few minutes until browned on each side.